Musk Melon (Piece)

Musk Melon (Piece)


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From its flesh to skin, and seeds, all parts of this fruit have health benefits if applied or consumed the right way.  Musk Melon is a popular dessert. It is also eaten in fruit salads and in Sorbets.

Note: Pictures show serving suggestions to give you ideas for adapting the product to your taste! We hope to inspire you to prepare many different meals from our products…

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This delicious summer fruit has many benefits. They are abundantly available in summer and have high water content, making them hydrating and cooling.

The skin and seeds can be ground into a paste to make a face mask. It is a free beauty treatment that people are practicing for ages. Applying the paste to your skin can help reduce any signs of dryness, blemishes, acne, etc.

Moreover, for pregnant women, muskmelon juice is highly recommended by doctors due to its high folate content that helps in preventing water retention  and it helps to develop the baby’s brain.



Nutritional Values

100 grams of muskmelon contain

  • Calories – 34
  • Dietary fiber – 0.9 gram
  • Fat – 0.19 gram
  • Protein – 0.84 gram
  • Carbohydrates – 8.6 grams



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